Smart phone case will travel with her.

hi! Im Kayo 🙂 I ‘v been working in Kyrgyzstan for an year and I am a big fan of OVOP ISSYK-KUL. I live in Cholpon-Ata which is 2 hours by car from Karakol.

Today, I want to introduce my lovely friend and her purchase in OVOP shop in Karakol.

Today’s product is Smart Phone case( size VM) dyed by Walnuts. It was 300com in Karakol shop(2015 Nov.)


It is just right for the smart phone!


My friend’s name is Estel, she is from France. After she works Human aids NGO in several countries, included Afghanistan(!!), she travel around the world without planes. She started her trip from Feb. 2015 and now is her 9th month. She arrived at Bishkek at the middle of November  and she texted me to ask to stay at my house for few days. Actually, we had not  met yet and i didn’t know even she is women or men…. I hesitated to accept her offer at first time, but she knows my best Turkish friend, so i decided to let her stay at my house.

This is the begging of my lovely 5 days with Estel.

Every night we had good dinner with many friends and talked and talked and talked even in week days. At the weekend, we went to Karakol and Jeti Oguz with my Kyrgyz friends( they are also funny girls!)The trip is really adventurous. We went into the cave, climb the hill,  jumped across the small river, walked in the snow and all of us enjoyed the great nature of  Kyrgyzstan!

Of course,  we ate Asuran-fu, which is the most popular food  in Karakol and went to OVOP  Karakol shop.

Estel supports OVOP concept and she bought Smart phone case!(thank you!)
This Smart phone case is traveling with her from now on! Is it romantic, isn’t it?

I hope she will have safe trip and great experiences with this smart phone case!


She rode a lion instead of horse.


Estel with smart phone case!